Align with the 4 Phases


In my work with women, I use the framework of a 4-phase menstrual cycle to help understand the ebbs + flows through a cycle. 

The first phase is your bleeding phase, the second is your follicular phase, the third is the ovulatory phase and the fourth is your luteal phase. The phases flow into each other and quite literally, cycle through your body. 

Each phase builds on the previous one, the health + vitality of one phase affects the experience of the following phases. Let’s dive into learning more…

Phase 1 • Release

The “first” phase of your cycle is the bleeding phase. We use this as the beginning because it is the most noticeable in physical signs and therefore the easiest to start tracking with. At the beginning of this phase, all of your hormone levels are at their lowest and they will begin building up as you flow into phase 2. Your internal focus is at the highest, meaning that you will most likely thrive with more time of solitude or 1 on 1 connection.

Phase 2 • Build

The second phase starts as your bleeding comes to an end and your body is building up hormones. These hormones communicate between your brain and your ovaries to stimulate a follicle to grow and develop. As this building happens, your energy starts to increase and you slowly start to shift from high internal focus to more external focus.

Phase 3 • Peak

The third phase of your cycle is your ovulatory time. This is when your hormones have hit a peak and your ovary is triggered to release the matured egg from the follicle that it has been nourished in. For physical signs during this phase, you will notice the most abundant amount of clear cervical fluid. Your energy and external focus will be at their highest, your natural motivation and inspiration elevated.

Phase 4 • Receive

After you release the egg for ovulation, your body starts to produce progesterone. The smooth process of ovulation is crucial to support the hormones required for this phase. Progesterone has a very calming and grounding effect on your system, bringing your energy more inwards again. This phase can have a depressive effect to it after the high outwards energy of Phase 3. I find when women start to really live in alignment with these phases, that “low” energy actually becomes a beautiful invitation for more attention to be focused on the self again.

The cycle repeats

As you come to the end of phase 4, your hormone levels begin to decline again to move back into your release phase.

I invite you to start tracking your energy, mood, and physical body signs on a daily basis. This is the start of developing more in-depth self care practices to align your life with your hormonal rhythms.

Download the tracking sheet I’ve created for you to support you on your journey.