What do I even look for?!


When working with women who are cycling, I teach them how to work with their bodies through the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle. The very first place we always start is with the bleeding phase. This is also considered Phase 1 or the Release phase.

We start here because it is the most physically obvious phase. The fact that you are bleeding vaginally is quite noticeable. Often there are other physical symptoms during this time that also take our attention and energy.

When I start asking women question about their bleeding, they’re often surprised at the information I’m looking for. It’s things that they have possibly never really noticed. These physical signs can give us SO much information about how your whole system is functioning so it’s incredibly important that we start here.

These are the primary things to observe and pay attention to during your release phase:

  • Blood volume

  • Blood colour

  • Blood consistency

  • Is there clotting with your bleeding?

  • How many days do you bleed for?

  • Is there spotting before or after your bleeding days?

  • Do you experience any pain during your bleeding phase?

  • Do you experience any other physical symptoms during your bleeding phase {headaches, breast tenderness, energy changes, cravings, digestion changes, etc}?

Noticing what your body is doing during this phase can give information about other hormone health like thyroid or adrenal glands, about detoxification function in your body, about stress impacts on your body and over all vitality of your system.

The practice of tuning in daily to your body + the signs she shares with you is the very first step to starting to work WITH your body to live fully + completely connected.